The unique Compact™ door
July 1, 2024 in Blog, News
Roller door replacement: what are the options?
When you think about replacing your roller door, you may think of choosing for another roller door again. However, do you know that there are alternatives that are both functionally and aesthetically superior? Especially if insulation and the appearance of the door are important to you, it is worth considering an alternative like the Compact Folding Door as a replacement for the standard roller door.
November 13, 2023 in Blog, News
Roller door vs roller shutter, which one is best?
In the realm of commercial and industrial spaces, the choice of doors plays a pivotal role in ensuring security, functionality, and aesthetic appeal. Among the popular options are roller doors and roller shutters, each with its own set of features and advantages. Let’s delve into the comparison roller door vs roller shutter to help you make an informed decision for your specific needs.
September 29, 2022 in Blog
Insulate company buildings?
Think of your commercial door! Higher energy prices are forcing both consumers and businesses to use energy more efficiently. The government also wants to encourage companies to save energy. Since the introduction of the CSR policy (Corporate Social Responsibility), many companies have been obliged to disclose their energy-saving measures. This should give companies the incentive […]
January 21, 2022 in Blog, News
What is different about a Compact wicket door?
A wicket door is a door that is built into a sectional door. It is easier for people to get into the building through these than through the door. This is why these wicket doors are primarily chosen when the sectional door is used as a means of access for people. That way you don’t […]
March 24, 2021 in Blog, News
How do you clean a Compact door correctly?
Your new Compact door looks gorgeous and fits in perfectly with the overall appearance of your building. It ensures the company looks inviting and exudes professionalism. Of course, it should stay that way in the years to come. Correct cleaning and care of the door is very important so that the color continues to shine […]
July 1, 2020 in Blog, News
5 reasons to opt for a Compact industrial door when renovating
Do you consider renovating your building instead of moving or building new? Moving or a new build is relatively expensive and may interrupt your company’s continuity. If you are looking for modernising your building, renovation is a good option. There is a way to change your building’s facade in one day. A way that even improves […]
June 23, 2020 in Blog, News
Closing for summer? Are your doors burglar-proof?
Summer season is burglar season Commercial properties are an interesting target for burglars. Valuable equipment, supplies or raw materials can be good prizes for the burglars’ guild. In the summer months there is less activity around commercial properties. Burglars like to take advantage of this. At least 40% of all entrepreneurs will sooner or later […]
June 22, 2020 in Blog, Inspiration, News
Industrial doors as a trend.
What should you know when considering one? Industrial doors as a trend. The use of industrial materials in and around homes has become quite commonplace. For example, sleek steel frames are currently trending and this trend is evolving into other applications. We see more and more architects designing houses in which industrial doors are used. An […]
May 12, 2020 in Blog, News
Four ways to save energy with your industrial door
Saving energy is saving money Since 2017, some companies have been obliged to prepare sustainability reports in accordance with EU Directive 95/2014. Whether you are forced by law or not, saving energy is saving money, so it can be worthwhile to learn how to save energy with your industrial door. Besides saving energy and money, […]
October 22, 2019 in Blog, News
5 tips for choosing the right industrial door
It is inevitable, you have to have a new industrial door. Before you go ahead and order a new version of the old door, stop for a minute and think about what you really want and need. Find out what your employees would like it to be capable of, after all, they work with it every day. These 5 tips will make it easier for you when choosing the right industrial door.
October 10, 2018 in Blog, News
Maintenance keeps your industrial door running
Every company wants to work efficiently. Continuity, quality and efficiency will certainly not be unfamiliar to you. Trouble-free operation of machines, devices, but also of the company doors are indispensable. Many suppliers offer maintenance contracts to prevent serious problems. Because small problems can have significant consequences. Why is maintenance so important? Here are some reasons […]
May 22, 2017 in Blog, News
Warning lights save lives
It’s rush hour on a Monday afternoon in the middle of summer, the streets teeming with cycling students, mothers with children in front and back and a shopping bag at the wheel, trucks looking for the nearby business area. Meanwhile, cars try to shoot in between, not having to wait a few seconds. No one […]